
Monthly Psychodramatic day seminar workshops are organized in C.A.P.E., being led by experienced Psychodramatists of C.A.P.E. or by external psychodramatic colleagues. These day long encounters have always different focusing themes and they help the members to feel and work through special life themes by a free floating dialogue and direct action on stage and in the group.


Monthly psychodramatic day seminar workshops are held in C.A.P.E., led by experienced psychodramatists of C.A.P.E. or by visitor psychodramatists. These encounters always focus on different subjects and help the members feel and work through special life issues by means of free floating dialogue and direct action on stage and within the group.

The dates and subjects of the seminars are:

The dates and the subjects of the seminars are:
08 October 2022 “The father”
05 November 2022 Our life after Covid-19″
17 December 2022 Our relation with money”
28 January 2023 My fears for tomorrow”
18 February 2023 My masks”
18 March 2023 In love”
08 April 2023 Grief”
13 Μay 2023 Our boundaries”
17 June 2023 My life, a trip”
Hours: 15:30 – 18:30