The introductory seminar is the entrance to the psychodrama area for anyone interested in psychodrama training. During the seminar we will have the chance to have a first theoretical and experiential approach of psychodrama, its techniques and therapeutic value. Every future trainee should have completed an experience of 16 minimum psychodramatic hours. Psychodrama seminars are held monthly each year.
All trainees with experience of the introductory seminar should be interviewed by the main trainer.
At the interview the trainee has to bring along:
i) certificate of attendance of the introductory seminar,
ii) university degree certification,
iii) CV,
iv) a recommendation letter.
Motivation, communication skills and spontaneity degree of trainees are very important to be focused on during this encounter. Experience in the mental health field is taken seriously under consideration. Personal therapy of trainees is highly important during their training process. By the end of the interview the structure of it is being discussed.
Each trainee will take part in 11 seminars of 18 hours duration each, every month, a total of 198 hours. During these seminars, each trainee comes into contact with the theory and practice of what psychodramatic stage is, with the several psychodramatic techniques, the sense of protagonist and the different roles, through his own presence on stage or having a role on a scene of another member of the group. During this phase the trainee has to write a protocol of a psychodramatic scene where he was the protagonist. Besides, he has to take part in two experiential workshops of 16 hours.
Each trainee will take part in 17 seminars of 18 hours duration each, every month, a total of 306 hours. During these seminars, each trainee comes into contact with the theory and practice of what psychodramatic stage is, with the several psychodramatic techniques, the sense of protagonist and the different roles, through his own presence on stage or having a role on a scene of another member of the group. The differentiation of the first year is that the trainees start to be responsible with the trainer’s help of how to warm up the group, make the interview, choose the protagonist, build the stage and maybe lead short scenes. In theory there is a special focus on sociometry and group dynamics. In this phase the trainee has to write two protocols of his psychodramatic leading role. During this phase the trainee will participate in activities of a mental health centre, for enriching his clinical experience, for a minimum of 90 hours. Psychopathology seminars of 36 hours will take place, as well. Besides, trainees have to take part at least in two experiential workshops or conferences.
Each trainee will take part in 22 seminars of 18 hours duration each, every month, a total of 396 hours. During these seminars, each trainee comes into contact with the theory and practice of what psychodramatic stage is, with the several psychodramatic techniques, the sense of protagonist and the different roles through his own presence on stage or having a role on a scene of another member of the group. In this phase, each trainee leads -with the aid of one of their colleagues in the beginning and later on their own- psychodramatic scenes, monodramas, axiodramas, sociodramas. In theory there is a special focus on sociodrama and the values of psychodrama. In this phase the trainee has to write two protocols of his psychodramatic leading role. Besides, they have to take part at least in two experiential workshops or conferences. During this phase they have to organize and lead a group of a minimum of 160 hours’ duration. Personal and group supervision are to be held, especially during their leading of their group (94 hours).
Each trainee has to present a thesis, two months before the evaluation, focusing on the psychodramatic applications that he has specialized on. In the thesis he should make both his own leading example references and theoretical references. The evaluation will be based on the trainee’s leading of a three hours’ group and on an open dialogue with the examination committee focusing on theoretical themes. The examination committee will consist of three well experienced psychodramatists.
• Psychodrama: Advances in theory and Practice, edited by Clark Baim, Jorge Burmeister and Manuela Maciel.
• The Handbook of Psychodrama, by Marcia Karp, Paul Holmes, Kate Tauvon and Ken Sprague
• Psychodrama and Group Psychotherapy, by J.L. Moreno
• The Essential Moreno, by J.L. Moreno
• Who shall survive? by J.L. Moreno
• Focus on Psychodrama: The Therapeutic Aspects of Psychodrama by Peter Felix Kellermann
• A Clinician`s Guide to Psychodrama, by Eva Leveton
• Contemporary Psychodrama: New Approaches to Theory and Technique, by Jose Fonseca.
• Acting In, by Adam Blatner
• Foundations of Psychodrama: History, Theory and Practice, by Adam Blatner
• The Ancestor Syndrome, by Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger
• Sociodrama and Collective Trauma, by Peter Felix Kellermann
• From One-to One Psychodrama to Large Group Socio-Psychodrama, by Zoltan Figusch
• Psychodrama in the 21st Century, by Jacob Gershoni
• Good Practice in Psychodrama. An analytic Perspective, by Don Feasey
• The Theater of Spontaneity, by J.L. Moreno
• Creative Training: Sociodrama and Team – building, by Ron Wiener
• Words of the Father, by J.L. Moreno
• Sociodrama in a changing world.
• Psychodrama, First Volume, by J.L. Moreno
• Psychodrama, Second Volume, by J.L. Moreno
• Psyvhodrama, Third Volume, by J.L. Moreno
• Supervision in Psychodrama, ed. By Pierre Fontaine, Jutta Furst and Hannes Krall.
In C.A.P.E. there is a training committee that meets twice a year. Its function is to focus on the content and structure of the training process and to develop its program. The committee consists of trainers and a trainee representative from each group. C.A.P.E. cooperates with international psychodramatic institutes, native and foreign psychodramatists and other experienced psychotherapists whose contribution in psychodrama is extremely valuable.
The training colleagues are:

Professional in the mental health field since 1998. He has studied general medicine in the Ovidius University of Constanţa and completed his psychiatric specialization in Dafni hospital. Since 1999 he has been dealing with social psychiatry and through this experience he came to love group psychotherapy, so he studied group analysis and psychodrama. Since 2014 he has been the founder and director of C.A.P.E.

Ulli Lobach started his clinical career as a Psychiatric nurse in the time of transition in Psychiatric Institutes. He works in the field of psychotherapy and as Counselor in Social Organizations as a Psychologist. He completed his psychodrama training at the Swedish Moreno Institute with Dag Blomkvist and Marc Treadwell. Ulli Lobach founded the ”Theatre for the Soul” in 2005.
The main purpose of his work is to clear ways to experience oneself in a new way, to grow together with others, to be able to act more freely and to open up spaces for the soul to develop.
“Lift up your own voice in Soul!“

Director and founder of PCPD. He has studied psychology in Eötvös Lorand University in Budapest. He has attended post-graduate studies in social psychology in 1982-’85 in École Pratique des Hautes Études in Paris. He was trained in psychodrama mainly by Max Clayton, whose psychodramatic perception and philosophy he follows in his daily training and therapeutic practice.

He has studied general medicine in the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain. He has completed his psychiatric studies in the University of Santander in Spain. He was trained in group analysis in the London Institute of Group Analysis and in psychodrama from Dean and Doreen Elefthery and Zerka Moreno. Founding member of the Spanish Association of Psychodrama in 1984 and of the Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organisations (FEPTO). He was president of the Spanish Society of Group Psychotherapy (1985-’87), Spanish Association of Psychodrama (1990-’92), International Association of Group Psychotherapy (1998-2000). His life values are: Friendship, loyalty, devotion.